Custom Made Orthotics in Ottawa ON

Your feet are the foundation for a healthy posture. But if the arches in one or both of your feet collapse (‘flat feet’), your body isn’t getting correct postural support. Orthotics in Ottawa ON work with your doctor’s adjustments to help keep your entire body in proper alignment.
Because the foot bone is connected to the leg bone, the leg bone is connected to the hip bone, and the hip bone is connected to your backbone (spine), even if your feet don’t hurt, the fact that your foundation has been weakened can have a serious impact to the rest of your body. If you are currently having knee, hip, lower back, or neck pain, the reason may be that your feet are not supporting your joints, bones, or soft tissues above the ankle properly. This lack of support can lead to stress and pain in other parts of your body. If you are having pain in any of the areas mentioned above, ask your chiropractor if your feet could be a contributing factor.
About our orthotics in Ottawa ON
Our orthotics are custom-made for your feet. A plaster cast technique is used to make the impression of your foot. The cast is then sent to a specialized laboratory to fabricate the orthotic. The orthotics are made from a soft or semi-rigid plastic material to better address your specific needs.
12:45pm - 6:15pm
7:00am - 12:30pm
7:00am - 12:15pm
1:30pm - 4:30pm
12:45pm - 6:15pm
7:00am - 12:15pm
Saturday & Sunday
Britannia Chiropractic Clinic
1315 Richmond Rd #11
Ottawa, ON K2B 8J7